Wednesday, December 1, 2010

PC World Surey: AT&T Sucks, Apple Doesn't

PC World recently took a survey asking people who owned a smartphone what they thought was the most reliable, simple, and what network got the best coverage. The answer was easily predicted: Apple got simplest & easiest to use and AT&T got worst network coverage. This really doesn't surprise me at all because as we all know, newborns know how to use an IPhone, and AT&T drops calls like there is no tomorrow. The IPhone OS  is so simple, in my opinion, it actually goes to the point of lacking features for the sake of simplicity. There is no widgets, pinch to overview, or any of that. I really think Apple could kill all of those critics by making a dashboard app that acts similarly to the one on the Mac, as it seems like a good replacement for widgets. On to AT&T. Of course, they got all of these prestigious awards: least satisfied with network speed, least satisfied with network coverage, and least satisfied with voice quality. Also, for those thinking that they are going to "come back" with 4G LTE, Sprint already has multiple phones running WIMAX, T-Mobile claims to have 4G in the "most markets" of any area, and Verizon is creating a ton of hype with their LTE press conference next week. So....AT&T is going to fall behind again. On to the desktop computer reliability survey, where Apple was on top of the world. They got better than average in every category, while Dell and HP took the "you stink" award. Why? Apple makes their own hardware, so everything just works. Trust me, I am not one of those Apple "fanboy". I own a Dell. Macs just have that good flow and smooth feel that a lot of PC makers can't say that their devices have. One other notable thing about this chart, on the other hand is that Alienware is near the top in reliability, which is a great improvement from previous years. So, have a comment? Tell me down below! Please follow me on Twitter:, and LIKE our Facebook page: Happy holiday guys!

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