Friday, December 3, 2010

Chrome OS Coming Soon

Google has announced a "Chrome" event that will be going on December 7th. They are promising us some exciting news. Everyone is speculating that this will be the unveiling of Chrome OS, and I am with everyone. It isn't like they are announcing Chrome 9 (8 just came out today), and the chances of them calling an event to unveil the Chrome store is slim to none. If you aren't familiar with what Google Chrome OS is, I'll give you the quick rundown. Chrome OS is Google's idea of a netbook OS. Imaging taking Windows, installing Google Chrome, then removing Windows. You are left with Chrome OS, which is just a browser. Nothing is stored on a computer, everything is on the web. Just a quick little fact about this, Chrome OS can boot in under 5 seconds. You have to see it to believe it. Just Google it. We just have to wait this out and see what happens on the 7th, right? Thanks for listening to this post, and be sure to share!

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