Friday, November 5, 2010

Get Kinected: Move Over Wii, Xbox Stole Your Thunder

Microsoft has released their much-hyped Kinect Xbox accessory, a camera that allows the video game to accurately mimic your movement. No more running with the Wii remote in a jogging game, in Kinect you are the controller. Now, I think this thing is really cool. This thing will set your back 149.99, but I think that it is worth the price. Throw your PS move or Wii motion-plus out the window, Kinect is where its at. The first two things that came to my head when I saw this was: 1. How will Nintendo and Sony compete with this? and 2. Soccer must be a joy on this thing. Come on, it fits it perfectly, kicking the ball around. So, what do you think Sony and Nintendo will do to compete with this game-changing device? Will they copy them the way Sony did to Nintendo with the PS move, or will they go in a totally different direction? Tell me in the comments! I have a BUNCH of links for you: Kinect official site: Engadget's Kinect review:   My Twitter: One more thing: I will be downloading the GM of IOS 4.2 for IPad and reviewing it soon. Stay tuned for that! Please bookmark & share!

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