Okay, to start off, I want there to be a lot of comments on this blog post. I would like to know if you guys like Facebook or Twitter? Personally, I prefer Twitter because of its simple idea of just posting things. Just little things, just 140 characters. I also prefer Twitter for one big reason: 3rd Party apps. Personally, I use Tweetdeck for posting to my Twitter, and also I use it to post to Google Buzz (my favorite social network, to bad it isn't really popular.) I also am in the process of making a Facebook (maybe today) and I see why people find it better than other social networks. See Twitter is better for simple things like saying what's on your mind or a new post or something you find interesting. Facebook is more about connecting with others, and getting to see things like cousins from another state. Which do you think is better, and I'm going to ask you why. I'm including the underdog, Buzz in this. Facebook, Twitter or Buzz? Which is your favorite and why? Don't forget to save, bookmark and share!
facebooks good cuz you can chat and for some ppl the games r fun (not me) but twitter u get updates quick and of course there is celebrities lol but you cant chat only send direct messages but if u have google buzz you can post watever you want and if they have a gmail and is a contact you can chat them and use sites like picasa and others to post pictures flicker etc..... so i personally believe google buzz ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! remember to follow john on twitter, share and comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!