Sunday, October 10, 2010

Have You Ever Seen This?

If you have ever gone into a Verizon store, Best Buy, or any electronic retailer, I bet you have seen this. A lot of times the demo products (phones, IPads) are hacked in these stores. Why is this? I don't know. One time I went into a Verizon store to look at one of the new phones that was released, and one of the Droids in the store was rooted and had a custom ROM installed on it. Another time, when I was in Best Buy, I was playing with an IPad, looking at the apps that were pre installed, and Cydia was on the last page. I understand this, just as you use the website (I recently used that to jailbreak my 2G IPod Touch) that couldn't get any easier or faster to do, but a rooted Droid with a custom ROM? Don't you need a computer to do that? Well sure, there is easy root (recently pulled from the market, I don't know why) but I thought you needed a credit card to pay for it and a computer to transfer the custom ROM. Tell me if you have ever seen a hacked device on display in the comments, I really want to hear your experiences! Don't forget to save, bookmark, and share!

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